May 30, 2006

Xmen - The Last Stand and no music at all

Hey there,
sadly i won't be able to "release" my song until perhaps the end of the week. But that is only guessing I must admit. Urgent deadline for my project at university keeps me from completing the song. But please don't mind Cathy ;)

The last stand is really a nice movie, you shouldn't let that one slip past you. If you are not so much into the whole Xmen/Superheroes thing than it's at least a decent action movie. Superb special FX and good sound :)

If you are feeling the XMen than you might have a little problem with this flick. I find it to straight-forward. I don't want to give you too much hints on whats going on - find out for yourself - but the struggles they have to overcome seem so simple in comparison to whats going really on.
But one last hint:
When you see the closing credits, don't stand up. Stay sit and enjoy the music. Else you would miss a very important hint regarding a possible sequel...


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